Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gun Slogans

About a week ago, a posting on Twitter posted asked everybody to post their favorite gun slogans. The following is a compilation of the resulting posts, but not necessarily all of them. Thanks to all the Tweeters who contributed, and if you have any additions, please let me know.

For real feminine protection, try a firearm
Blessed be the pessimist for he carries extra ammo
Armed women = polite men
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6
I carry a gun because an empty holster just doesn't look as bad-ass
Because Paul Revere would have sounded real stupid yelling, "Hide in your cellar."
Because nobody ever tore a terrorist in half from two clicks out with a .50 caliber pepper spray.
I carry a gun because Cops are too heavy!
Guns, because what else am I supposed to do with all this ammunition?
Why Guns? Because the Founding Fathers said so, that's why!!
If God didn't want us to shoot stuff, he wouldn't have put things that need holes in them so far away.
Gun control has never been about guns. It's really about control.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away
Guns don't kill people, OJ kills people
Guns, because I can
Guns, because your online stalker just found out where you live.
Guns, because a trebuchet just won't fit in an ankle holster.
Guns, b/c by the time the cops arrive, all they can really do is investigate another statistic
"I like guns. If you own a gun, you don't have to work-out.." Chris Rock
Because an armed society is a polite society
Its the 2nd amendment because the first one is how you warn them
A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone
Free men do not ask permission to bear arms
I use a gun, because grenades are too expensive
Guns. For when those straggling houseguests can't take any other hint
Because I may not be happy to see you
Guns, because a Restraining Order is really just a piece of paper.
Because I need something else to cling to besides my Bible
Guns, because I refuse to become a Redneck Martyr.
Because I was the victim of Home invasion. I know.
Guns, because some people refuse accept the word "No" as an appropriate answer
I'm no expert, but if you want to hurt someone, it's a great place to start
Guns, the ultimate antidote for tyranny.
Guns. Because without the 2nd Amendment, the other 9 are meaningless.
Ready, aim... litigate? I don't think so
Guns, the Veto Of, By & For We The People
Guns, opening the minds of home intruders everywhere.
Guns, because Liberty is a terrible thing to waste
Democracy is 2 Wolves & a Sheep debating dinner. Liberty is the well-armed Lamb contesting the final vote.
Guns, because a liberal voting his conscience is a direct threat to your family's safety
Guns, because Battered Wive's Syndrome is no way to live your life
Because sometimes you're just not your brother's keeper
Guns, because MS13 sells drugs in your neighborhood.
Guns, because the Federal Government refuses to close the border.
Because sometimes people don't understand and I don't feel like explaining
Guns, because the lock was only designed to keep the honest man out
Guns, because stalkers prefer to drop by for a visit at 3 AM
Guns: John Wayne didn't carry no pepper spray.
Guns: Because Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison & company thought YOU should have a VETO too
When you really want to reach out and touch someone
Guns, because Mace loses effectiveness downwind
Guns...because Hitler would have disapproved.
Guns, when you prefer to say "No" from a safe distance.
Guns, because sometimes, that bumper-tap is no accident.
Guns, the original point and click interface
If you know a better way to turn brain into mist, we're all ears.
Clinical studies have shown a diet high in lead can decrease bad crime levels by up to 20%
Guns, because sometimes, DHS labels Constitutionalists as Extremists.
Four out of five voices in your head agree
Shotguns, making cross eyed people deadlier than ever before
Because some people just can't run fast enough to chase the bad guys down.
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a tighter grouping
Because John Wayne never carried a restraining order, pardner
Guns, because when it's them or Me. Me wins everytime.
If you're angry, calm down and take a deep breath. It helps your aim.
The most convenient place to store your bullets.
Guns, because this stuff is mine
I shoot, therefore I am . . . able to save my life and yours.
You've seen Deliverance, right? We're just sayin.
A Canadian is sort of like an American, but without the gun
Guns, cuz they make hot conservative babes even HOTTER!
Guns, because pitchforks & torches is sooo 18th century
Gun Control: Sight Alignment, Breath Control, Trigger Squeeze
Guns, when waterboarding just doesn't finish the job!
Guns, when simple words lack the required emphasis
A bullet to the head makes rapists dead
Sometimes, even Indiana Jones gets tired of using his bullwhip
Guns..Winning hearts and minds since the middle ages.
Because "Go ahead, make my day" doesn't sound nearly as cool if you're holding a crossbow
How else are you supposed to make grown men dance?
Guns, the real voice of the Silent Majority
Guns, because I have two attractive pre-teen daughters.
Cause Momma didn't raise no victims.
Guns. Just Guns. That's it.
Guns: because strangulation takes too much effort and time!
Guns: It's better to have and not need than to need and not have.
Guns, because some of us have short legs and just can't run as fast.
Because life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness hang in the balance.
Don't Run, You'll Just Die Tired: Sniper slogan
Four out of five politicians surveyed prefer unarmed, ignorant peasants
Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap, life is expensive
Double Tap, when you absolutely, positively have to ensure situational resolution
Charlton Heston says they would have saved Moses forty pairs of sandals
Give a criminal a tattoo that will never wear off.
How The West Was Won" wasn't about a bad poker hand