Friday, June 15, 2012

A Letter from David Axelrod

I received an email from David Axelrod today, telling me all about the Prez's plans for the future, plans that he outlined in his speech in Ohio yesterday. Here are the proposals and my comments (in bold italics):

    - Better Education: We need to invest in good teachers and help more students go to college and get job training -- not pack kids into classrooms and slash scholarships. ... ah, that word 'invest' - he means more taxes, taxes that will hire teachers who will be forced to join the union and pay union dues, dues that are used to help re-elect him and more of his leftist ilk. And class size isn't the problem, it's discipline. My grade school classes had 50+ kids and every one went on to graduate high school and most graduated college as well.  The good Sisters of Saint Joseph kept a close eye on all of us.

    - More, Cleaner Energy: We need to invest in promising new sources of energy to create a market for innovation and good jobs of the future -- not go back to relying on foreign oil. ... more tax dollars going to his big donors via this slush fund known as green energy.  Markets are not created by government programs, they are created by demand. Who's talking foreign oil? We have plenty here - we just have to drill for it onshore as well as offshore, which can be accomplished safely. And what is wrong with oil in the first place? It is a remarkably diverse resource, the starting point for so many important and innovative products.

    - Leading Through Innovation: We need to invest in our best scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs so they innovate here -- not cede new ideas to countries like China and India. Invest in our best scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs... what the hell does that mean? Innovation will blossom when you get the regulatory jackboot off the throat of American business, starting with the EPA.

    - Job-Creating Infrastructure: We need roads, bridges, ports, and broadband technology that attract businesses that will create jobs here -- not more pet projects and bridges to nowhere. Does he mean pet projects like Solyndra? And infrastructure.... federal contracting is in dire need of streamlining.  Minority participation, LEED environmental requirements, and other set-asides have driven up the cost of these projects astronomically without achieving the desired results. Shell companies are used to fulfill the minority requirements, which just adds another layer of costs to the supply chain. It's a system that stinks of crony capitalism.

    - Fair, Simple Tax Reform: We need to reward businesses that create jobs here instead of rewarding outsourcing, and must ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share again -- not sacrifice investments critical to the middle class. ... make no mistake, the middle class is the target of the tax increases he wants. Even if he taxed the 'wealthiest' at 100%, he couldn't raise enough money. It has to come from the middle class. The language is class warfare, pure and simple.

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