Friday, December 21, 2012

The "Gun Show Loophole" - An Interesting Twist

An interesting development in the ATF's Fast & Furious gunrunning scandal has brought to light another instance of the government's "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. It appears that George Gillett, who is up to his neck in the Fast & Furious gunrunning scandal  as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix field office, utilized the much maligned - by the ATF and others - "Gun Show Loophole" to sell a personally owned weapon to an individual in Arizona. There is nothing illegal about the transaction, from one private citizen to another, but ironic in that the ATF has had a crusade to eliminate this type of sale since the 1990s.

Hat-tip to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News @SharylAttkisson on Twitter

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Only In America

1) Only in America, could a certain politician talk about the greed of the
rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

2) Only in America, could people claim that the government still
discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a
black Attorney General, and an 18% black federal workforce, but a black
population of only 12%. .

3) Only in America, could they have had the two people most responsible for
our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department, and
Charles Rangel, who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to
be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

4) Only in America, could they have terrorists kill people in the name of
Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be
harmed by the backlash.

5) Only in America, could they make people who want to legally become
American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of
thousands of dollars for the privilege while they discuss letting people who
sneak into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

6) Only in America, could the people who believe in balancing the budget and
sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

7) Only in America, could they need to present a driver's license to cash a
check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

8) Only in America, could they demand the government investigate whether oil
companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up, when the
return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less
than half of the return of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

9) Only in America, could the government collect more tax dollars from the
people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars
more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and
complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

10) Only in America, could the rich people - who pay 86% of all federal
income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who
don't pay any federal income taxes at all.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Concealed Carry: A Thoughful, Logical Explanation

This Gentlemen Explains Why He Carries A Concealed Weapon In A Very Well Reasoned Manner

 The 'enlightened' members of the Maryland House and Senate should stop fighting tooth and nail to prevent the law abiding citizens of Maryland from protecting themselves and their loved ones. Yes, I am talking about YOU, Senator Frosh!!

Many thanks to our friends at USA Carry

Saturday, October 20, 2012

More Anti-Catholic Undercurrent in the Mainstream Media

See the ridicule? It's easier than finding Waldo

Catholics take sainthood very seriously - this author doesn't

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Here's One for the UFO Conspiracy People

The recent landing of the Curiosity Rover on Mars was an incredible feat of engineering and a testament to American excellence.  However, the landing site it is certain to raise the interest of UFO conspiracy people. Check out the caption for picture 26.  NASA scientists had divided the targeted landing area into 1 mile squares, a total of 151 of them.

In which quadrangle did Curiosity actually land? Cue the Twilight Zone music...

Oh yes, it was in quadrangle 51.

I wonder if they could use some of these on the surface of Mars...

Friday, August 17, 2012

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

This was just posted on

"A plastic replica of a bullet is used to remove an ammunition magazine from an assault rifle in a demonstration at the California Department of Justice in Sacramento, Calif. (AP)" 

Whoever does the training at the California Department of Justice should be replaced.  You would be shot multiple times trying to make a magazine change like that. They should cross their eastern border into the Nevada desert for some real weapons training and maybe they will survive the gunfight.

And if you really want to look sharp and stylish in the Nevada desert....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Simplistic Beauty, Arrogant Government

It has been a long time coming. First, a pretty long wait from the dealer - this is a very popular item and they sell them as fast as they make them. Next, the onerous seven waiting period established by the State of Maryland-the seven day waiting period that is actually eight days.  With that behind me tomorrow, I will become the proud owner of this:

Now if the State of Maryland would stop preventing law abiding citizens from carrying concealed, I might be able to utilize it for its intended purpose.  They are fighting tooth and nail to reverse the Court's decision in the Wollard case, which basically states that a citizen shouldn't have to ask the government for permission to exercise a right.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Project Gunwalker / Fast and Furious - great video

The American Future Fund has produced a video calling for answers and accountability in the Obama Administration's coverup of the ATF operation that allowed over 2000 weapons to be purchased illegally and then transported across the border into Mexico, purportedly to track them to the bosses of the drug cartels.  Nothing was ever tracked and two of these weapons were used in the shootout that killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Hundreds have been killed in Mexico with these weapons and who knows how many more will die going forward.  Please watch this video and share it with everyone.

Hat tip to the American Future Fund - excellent work!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What do you expect from Maryland?


Election Law Center - Dead Voters in Maryland

Maryland is an overwhelmingly Democrat state ~ this information should come as no surprise!  The question remains - how widespread is the corruption of the voter roles? When is the U.S. Justice Department going to mount an investigation - right after they investigate the voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia in 2008?

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Letter from David Axelrod

I received an email from David Axelrod today, telling me all about the Prez's plans for the future, plans that he outlined in his speech in Ohio yesterday. Here are the proposals and my comments (in bold italics):

    - Better Education: We need to invest in good teachers and help more students go to college and get job training -- not pack kids into classrooms and slash scholarships. ... ah, that word 'invest' - he means more taxes, taxes that will hire teachers who will be forced to join the union and pay union dues, dues that are used to help re-elect him and more of his leftist ilk. And class size isn't the problem, it's discipline. My grade school classes had 50+ kids and every one went on to graduate high school and most graduated college as well.  The good Sisters of Saint Joseph kept a close eye on all of us.

    - More, Cleaner Energy: We need to invest in promising new sources of energy to create a market for innovation and good jobs of the future -- not go back to relying on foreign oil. ... more tax dollars going to his big donors via this slush fund known as green energy.  Markets are not created by government programs, they are created by demand. Who's talking foreign oil? We have plenty here - we just have to drill for it onshore as well as offshore, which can be accomplished safely. And what is wrong with oil in the first place? It is a remarkably diverse resource, the starting point for so many important and innovative products.

    - Leading Through Innovation: We need to invest in our best scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs so they innovate here -- not cede new ideas to countries like China and India. Invest in our best scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs... what the hell does that mean? Innovation will blossom when you get the regulatory jackboot off the throat of American business, starting with the EPA.

    - Job-Creating Infrastructure: We need roads, bridges, ports, and broadband technology that attract businesses that will create jobs here -- not more pet projects and bridges to nowhere. Does he mean pet projects like Solyndra? And infrastructure.... federal contracting is in dire need of streamlining.  Minority participation, LEED environmental requirements, and other set-asides have driven up the cost of these projects astronomically without achieving the desired results. Shell companies are used to fulfill the minority requirements, which just adds another layer of costs to the supply chain. It's a system that stinks of crony capitalism.

    - Fair, Simple Tax Reform: We need to reward businesses that create jobs here instead of rewarding outsourcing, and must ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share again -- not sacrifice investments critical to the middle class. ... make no mistake, the middle class is the target of the tax increases he wants. Even if he taxed the 'wealthiest' at 100%, he couldn't raise enough money. It has to come from the middle class. The language is class warfare, pure and simple.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Usual Unequal Treatment

I'm sure you'll remember Al Armendariz - the EPA regional administrator who made the comment about 'crucifying' oil and gas executives to make examples of them, much like the Romans crucified their enemies. He was forced to resign.  Now we hear that a North Carolina man was visited by armed agents from the EPA .... yes, the Environmental Protection Agency, for requesting the contact information for Armendariz.

First of all, why the hell does the EPA have armed agents??? Something is wrong right there. There is absolutely no need for it - this country already has too many different law enforcement entities .I was in downtown Washington, DC recently and noticed that the Government Printing Office has its own police force. Please... the GPO? What's next? I'm afraid to speculate because whatever agency I mention probably has a police force already.

But I digress. Getting back to the visit by the EPA jackboots - this gentleman, Larry Keller, wanted Crucify Al's contact information so he could say hello. From the report on Fox News:
The agents visited Keller's home in Ashville, N.C. on May 2 to ask him about the email, which after some misunderstanding Keller acknowledged sending. He said after a brief, tense discussion about whether the missive might seem suspicious, the agents, who were escorted by the local police, left despite Keller ask them to stay to his wife could witness their visit.
 "The charter of the EPA is to protect the environment and public, not to act as a quasi federal police department," Keller said Saturday.
Today we come to find out that HBO used the likeness of former President George W. Bush as the decapitated head on a stake in it's series "Game of Thrones"

So.... when will the Secret Service be visiting the creators of this series over at offices of HBO?  Don't hold your breath

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Toronto Mall Shooting- Four Tips for Surviving the Active Shooter

Excellent information - as always, have a plan! Think - what am I going to do if this happens to me? Even the most basic plan, rehearsed in your head a few times, will be better than most everybody else in the crowd. When you go to the mall, to the convenience store, the movies, anywhere.... take a moment to review what you would do in this venue "if".... it could save your life.

Hat tip to Buckeye Firearms and Greg Ellifritz

The Toronto Mall Shooting- Four Tips for Surviving the Active Shooter

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mayor Bonaparte...aahhh... Bloomberg

It's not about safety..... it's not about reducing crime..... NYC Mayor Bloomberg has a personal fortune that would allow him to buy just about anything he could ever want, except power and the control that comes with it.. This little man with the Napoleon complex wants to make subjects out of citizens, and isn't happy with keeping it just in New York City. He is an angry zealot obsessed with denying people their God-given right to self defense, the ultimate power grab.